FirefoxのGmail Notifierでアカウントがロック?

さっき、Gmailのアカウントをロックされました。Firefox拡張機能であるGmail Notifierを無効にしたら、幸いすぐに回復しました。




Our system has detected abnormal usage of your Gmail account. As a result,
we have temporarily disabled access to this account.

It will take between one minute and 24 hours for you to regain access,
depending on the behavior our system detected.


If you feel that access to this account should not have been disabled,
please respond to the following questions:

1. List the date and time of day when you were locked out of the account.

2. What task were you performing when you were locked out? (ex: sending an
email, downloading an attachment, etc.)

3. Has access to your account been disabled before this occurrence? If so,
when and for how long?

4. Indicate which of the following, if any, Gmail features you use: POP,
auto-forwarding, or Gmail's Notifier

5. Are you using any type of browser extensions? If so, please specify.

6. Do you use any third-party software in conjunction with Gmail? If so,
please specify.


The Gmail Team



# しょうがない。Linuxでは重くて使えなかったThunderbirdでもインストールしてみよう。ダメならまたEdMaxということで。もっといいのがあるかな? Winに戻ったついでにメーラーなしで済ませようかと思っていたんだけど。やっぱりまだ無理かあ…。残念。